Alright. Today is a bit different than normal. (though I can promise that some of the more traditional content is currently in the pipeline) Rather than examining a real world situation… id like to examine a world famous television program called “The-XFiles” and discuss how (if one wanted to, at least), they could see (when looking at it) a fascinating web of clairvoyant predictions… such as the covid pandemic… National riots… or even September 11th.
Before diving in… one VERY SMALL disclaimer… because people have given me feedback that the disclaimers got too long. I am not weighing in today (on a political level)… I am merely showing a series of similarities for entertainment purposes.
Step one… context. The X-files is an American science fiction drama program… that ran from 1993… to 2018. During that time… there were 11 seasons… as well as one “mini season” or “spinoff season”... called “The Lone Gunman” (well talk about that in minute)
The X-Files gained popularity for its heavy usage of paranormal themes… but layered into a number of key episodes… are fascinating similarities to modern day life… well in advance of anything the show writers could have possibly known.
Once again… without weighing in on specific political issues… lets take a look at Season 10, episode one… called “My Struggle” QUOTE “ Your own government lies as a matter of course, as a matter of policy. The Tuskegee experiments on black men in the '30s. Henrietta Lacks. What are they trying to do? That's the missing piece.”
As a sidenote… these referenced events… are entirely real. First… the Tuskegee experiments… were a horrific crime perpetrated by the USPHS… (The United States Public Health Service)... where 600 American black men were non-consentingly studied for the effects of untreated syphilis.
Henrietta Lacks… however… is a much brighter story… where the singularly unique and multiplying cancer cells of a young pregnant woman became the basis for medical research decades into the future. HeLa cells (as they are called) have saved countless lives… and also played a crucial role in the development of both a polio… and COVID 19… vaccination. Keep that in mind.
Continuing on. QUOTE “But it's not hard to imagine. A government hiding, hoarding alien technology for 70 years, at the expense of human life and the future of the planet. Driven not only by corporate greed, but a darker objective. The takeover of America. And then the world itself, by any means necessary, however violent, or cruel or efficient.
By severe drought brought on by weather wars conducted secretly using aerial contaminants and high-altitude electromagnetic waves, in a state of perpetual war to create problem-reaction-solution Scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave American citizens at home with tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, which abridged the Constitution in the name of national security.”
A long quote… i know… but important… because looking past whatever portions we subjectively deem to me more or less absurd… there is truth here. “Perpetual war” accurately describes the state that America has existed in for decades. Many dispute that the war in Afghanistan was originally even legal… as America entered a 20 year conflict. The war in Iraq… was propped up by FALSE reports of WMDs… later determined to be inaccurate… but still… resulted in conflict from 2003… to 2011.
Our sitting presidents (for the last 20 or more years) have ALL engaged in global warfare, through backchannel methods or technicalities… avoiding the official pathway set forth by congress… meaning that if we disregard smaller details, (details that are, in my opinion purely an artifact of the programs genre)... these quotes are not so much “science fiction”... but rather “dangerously close to the truth”
Still. Continuing on… theres even more. QUOTE “The militarization of police forces in cities across the U.S. The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose. The corporate takeover of food and agriculture, Pharmaceuticals and health care, even the military, in clandestine agendas, to fatten, dull, sicken and control a populace already consumed by consumerism. And I encourage you all to go shopping more.”
This is where things get tricky. Its easy to write these words off as conspiracy… but lets examine the facts. “Militarization of police” … is largely considered to be the spark that led to a movement called BLM (Black Lives Matter) in 2020… and 2021. Officially outlined on their national organizations website… demilitarizing police is a primary objective… and yet years prior… (in season 10 of the X-files) the topic was front and center… as a root cause of instability in America.
Whats more… A profit driven “corporate takeover” of the food, agriculture, pharmaceutical and health care industries might not be as crazy as it sounds. Clandestine agendas to dull, sicken and control a populace may seem hard to stomach here… breaching the barrier of reasonable skepticism… but what if I added a couple of points.
What if Obesity in America resulted in roughly 173 billion dollars of annual healthcare cost. What if the American government simultaneously subsidized junk food… high fructose corn syrup… and vegetable shortening… which are deeply correlated to rapidly rising obesity rates. What if at the very same time… the American Government subsidized the healthcare industry… with over 920 billion dollars (as per 2021 figures from the congressional budget office)... and what if those projections were set to INCREASE over the next 7 years… to upwards of 1.4 trillion.
That simple statement “Clandestine agendas to dull, sicken and control a populace”... contains SO MUCH more behind it… and yet… the show still manages to accurately describe the world we exist in. Less rooted in concrete fact… the “building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose”... likely refers to a debunked conspiracy theory that utilized footage as far back as 1995… but by and large i would regard that as a detail that was thrown in for dramatic effect… and falls short with regards to actual legitimacy.
Still… one more paragraph to get through. QUOTE “A government that taps your phone, collects your data and monitors your whereabouts with impunity. A government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes and the final takeover begins. The takeover of America. By a well-oiled and well-armed multinational group of elites that will cull, kill and subjugate. Happening as we sit here. It's happening all around us.The other shoe, waiting to drop.”
This is where most people get lost. “No way… not true”... but the part about tapping your phone? That IS true. Going back to the shows prior mention of the patriot act… we can see that American Citizens ARE being surveilled in a multitude of ways… driven by a growing priority on “safety” as opposed to “privacy”
Now for the tricky part… but bear with me. In August of 2022… a man named Alexey Pertsev was arrested. The reason? Alexey had developed (rather “coded”) a service called “Tornado Cash” which allows for anonymous crypto transactions. Independent from him… (unless proven that he colluded but I haven't seen a single shred of evidence to that effect so far)... Independent from him… a large number of criminals HAD in fact used the service for illegal activities… but rather than shutting down the CRIMINALS… or even the service itself if possible… the government decided to punish the architect of what should otherwise be a perfectly innocent piece of code.
Just two days after the OFAC sanctioned tornado cash publicly… Alexey Pertsev was arrested in the Netherlands… still awaiting release. His crime… (as we understand it today) Simply writing code, for a tool… that someone ELSE used improperly… akin to punishing someone who creates an anonymous email platform… for the private correspondence that was sent by that platforms USER BASE.
It is, of course, an imperfect example that might still change… but surveilling citizens… imprisoning them without rights… or otherwise circumventing the constitution at every possible turn… absolutely IS an american reality… that we sleep through each and every day.
To me… its all fascinating… but theres more to understand before the picture is actually complete. That particular episode… is called “My Struggle”... but its actually just part one in a multi-episode chain. My Struggle PART TWO… is where we get another barrage of connections… but for these… ill focus more on the over arching message rather than individual examples.
My Struggle 2… (season 10 episode 6 to be precise)... contains a LOT of references… but none more important than the extensive parallels to covid 19. Early in the episode… there are mentions of “lockdowns” (an obvious parallel given the fact that much of the United states, and international world for that matter, were locked down for extensive periods of time despite very small initial expectations.)
Later in the episode there are references to the “advent of a global contagion”... and remember… there was a SPECIFIC mention of Henrietta Lacks in a prior episode… whose unique cell structure was instrumental in the process of developing a covid 19 vaccine.
There are references to hospitals being “overrun”... which may spur controversy to say… but was a contentious narrative… pushed HEAVILY throughout the covid pandemic as well. There are visuals of masked rioters smashing windows… and even more connections to make… but one of the core principles here… was that patient DNA (during this… “outbreak”)... was allegedly changing.
Once again… I make no statements of fact on this… nor do I wish to weigh in at all on one side or the other… but Vaccines changing patient DNA is now a very substantial theory being pushed in certain circles. Depopulation… global elite organizations… all of it… is currently a subject of national debate… with growing support that some form of truth is likely hidden deep down… and a large contingent of supporters, who fully believe that the government is willfully engaging with this type of agenda.
But still… not quite finished. Now for the cherry on top. The same writer responsible for the X files comic series (specifically season 10)... is Joe Harris… who ALSO wrote… a short and somewhat related series… called “The Lone Gunmen”
That series… (among other things)... during its pilot episode on March 4th, 2001 (just 6 months before the events of September 11th)… depicted a plot where rogue agents of the US government… hijacked a plane… and flew it into the world trade center. To this day… (whether you believe them… or not) theories have persisted that 9/11 was actually an inside job (or a “false flag) perpetrated by the US government… which means that this writer has not only predicted core aspects of American division 6 months before they happened in 2001… but also the divisive aspects of Covid 19… the global pandemic… BLM and rising instability… militarization of police… and civil unrest as a result of pandemic policy.
What does it mean? I have no idea. Is it a coincidence? Maybe… but for today I wanted to examine a topic I find to be extremely interesting… and hopefully do so in a way that does not CAUSE division… but merely seeks to discuss it.