What is the most popular sport in the world. … Still further… … What is the most popular GAME in the world. Some would say Soccer… (sorry… Football… i’m American)... and that answer would certainly be compelling… but what is the TRUE answer to this question.
Estimated by FIFA… a 2007 report suggested that over 250 million people around the world, actively play football… while 3.5 billion people WATCH football. That is an incredible number… and surpasses the “American” version of the sport by over 50 times. Widely cited as the most popular sport in the world… football is a household phenomenon… but how does it compare (in terms of PLAYER popularity)... to “games”.
The most popular VIDEO GAME in the world… (right now)... is minecraft… having sold over 238 million copies. Assuming that each of these copies is purchased by a unique individual, and assuming that every single one of them maintains regular gameplay (which certainly is NOT the case) that would STILL fall secondary to a global football community… but what if I told you that there was a game… AND a sport… that is far more popular than both Minecraft, and football combined.
Regardless of how we classify this activity… “game”... or “sport”... chess is the most popular (in terms of raw player metrics) competitive activity in the world. Released by the AGON… (estimated from statistics on YouGov)… a report to the FIDE (The international chess federation) showcases that over 600 million players, worldwide, regularly play chess. This makes it one of the largest communities in the world… surpassing any (and every) video game, sport, or other technical “game” by extreme numbers.
600 million regular players… is comparable to the entire active user base of FACEBOOK… and while not all of these players will routinely watch tournaments… or play at a tournament level… it is undeniable that chess is (by far) the most popular sport… or game… on planet earth.
Now… thats impressive… but who (within this enormous community) is the most famous PLAYER. That title belongs (arguably I might add) to Garry Kasparov. Kasparov was a chess grandmaster… who reached the number one position in the world during 1984… and held it (largely speaking) until 2006.
Garry Kasparov (if not THE greatest player in the history of chess) is one of the greatest names on a very short list… but in the subsequent years after 2006… he has largely faded from the international spotlight. Alongside names like Bobby fischer (often considered to be the most FAMOUS chess player in history) Garry Kasparov represents an “old guard” of chess grandmasters… that has long since given way to a new generation of players… after training contemporary names… like Magnus Carlson, and Hikaru Nakamura.
Within that new generation of players… very few names are comparable (in both talent, and celebrity status) to that of Magnus Carlson. Reaching his peak during 2014… Carlson has gone on a more than 120 game win streak… he has been chess world champion numerous times, maintained the number one spot (and become world champion) in 3 separate categories (Standard, Rapid, and blitz) while being the youngest player in history… to reach a 2800 rating threshold. Hundreds of thousands of followers on various different social media platforms, a competitive position even now… and one of the most recognizable names in the history of the sport… Magnus Carlson has achieved celebrity status in the community.
However… with great popularity, and monumental achievement… comes controversy… because the world of chess, during September of 2022… (directly as a result of Magnus Carlsons actions) has been be rocked by a “cheating scandal”... giving rise to one of the most chaotic whirlwinds of speculation that the sport has ever seen.
Id like to begin… with the “ignition point”. Understanding that this could easily be a 2 plus hour video… with theory research, clips, context, and explanations… im going to preface the actual information with a disclaimer. I know a fair bit about chess. I’m no expert, i’m not a master by any stretch of the imagination… but I know enough to muddle my way through some games… and understand the bulk of terminology used at a professional level.
I will be describing a series of events here in a …. “Connect the dots” type video… but I make no assertion that these findings are definitive. Accusations are FLYING right now, and may continue for quite some time… over the legitimacy of certain players… and their gameplay… but as it stands… there is no definitive proof. I certainly have my opinion (which I will give, and clearly label when I do)... but nothing contained in this video is irrefutable, or incontrovertible evidence that constitutes actual proof. In truth… this scandal may fade into history as an unsolved mystery… unless significant revelations appear… making it both frustrating… (and fascinating) to research.
Without further adieu… lets get started. The story begins… with the Sinquefield cup… which is an annual, invitation only chess competition … taking place (during 2022) in St Louis missouri. The competition, by and large, was a very standard display UNTIL… a series of actions by Magnus Carlson.
Day 3… (while using the white pieces… constituting a theoretical advantage)... Magnus Carlson was Defeated… by 19 year old Hans Niemann. This was a tremendous upset… an unexpected result… and a tournament inflection point… because following this result… Magnus Carlson resigned… with a cryptic tweet alluding to his inability to “say anything more”
This was… strange… but things were just getting started. About 2 weeks later… during the Generation cup… (a separate tournament)... Magnus Carlson would once again face off against the rising 19 year old Hans Niemann… this time resigning after just a single move in the game. That decision… shocked the world of chess, and made it clear that there was a definitive reason that Carlson was avoiding Niemann. Speculation exploded… (even after his initial resignation, during the Sinquefield cup) but following this drastic action… the narrative began to form (even more aggressively than it had before that point)… that Hans Niemann… was a chess cheat… and that Magnus Carlson was somehow barred from exposing what he knew.
Here is where the narrative splinters. Instead of a cohesive singular timeline… we have numerous different threads simultaneously… and to organize it best… I will run down a list of significant findings should one decide to pursue the topic… with a goal of uncovering whether or not Hans Niemann… is a cheater.
First and foremost… Hans Niemann IS a cheater. (at least… he was). Initially highlighted by another well known chess grandmaster named “Hikaru Nakamura”... there was a 6 month period on Chess.com… where Hans Niemann was barred from competition. This public statement… led to further speculation… led to more drama… and very rapidly… Hans Niemann was forced to respond.
In a September 6th interview… Hans Niemann acknowledged two distinct situations. One… at the age of 12, he had used an “engine” during an official tournament… to increase his skill level. This refers to the concept of using computer driven algorithms that are FAR more talented at chess than any human, to augment your decision making… and improve your choices. It is highly unethical… yet highly effective… and Hans Niemann HAS done this in the past.
His explanation was that a “friend” had been there… with an Ipad… and that friend had fed him the moves. He didn't know better… he was 12 years old… and he paid the price… but this explanation is difficult to believe when we consider the second situation. At age 16… (four years later)... during his budding streaming career… he was once again suspended from chess.com. The reason? Using an engine to advance his gameplay… so that (in his words) “he could play against more difficult opponents”... meaning that he was cheating in non tournament games… to artificially inflate his rank… thus competing against players he otherwise would not be able to.
This presents a problem for any rational person… because the reality behind the act of cheating is not so clear cut. Hans Niemann was CAUGHT cheating… two times… but thieves, and cheats, are not caught on a 100% basis. Catching a cheat does not mean that the person has only cheated once… it means they have only been CAUGHT once… and we are now required (in order to believe Hans Niemann that these were two isolated, disconnected and non-repeated events)... that he only ever cheated twice… he was caught twice… and that was the end of it. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? … you decide.
Expanding on the topic… with a now self admitted reality that Hans Niemann was (at one point) a confirmed cheater in the world of chess… we can look to his coach. Maxim Dlugy… a COACH for Hans Niemann… was caught and punished for cheating during 2017… and 2020… in his own tournaments. According to various leaked emails… he CLAIMS… that his students were contributing to his play… screaming out moves… and that one of them was using an “engine”... thus yelling out extremely significant moves.
He followed those moves … through “no fault of his own”… because he was “unaware” that this was taking place. Appealing the ban… he was allowed to make a second account and play outside the confines of cash prize tournaments… and yet… years later… his second accounts was once again suspended for violating the chess.com fair play rules. A twice caught cheater on Chess.com… coached a student who was found to be another twice caught cheater… after a veiled accusation of cheating… by one of the worlds most famous grandmasters. All in all? The makings of a brutal scandal.
Making things exponentially worse… in the aftermath of this “confession”... to just “two instances” of isolated cheating… Chess.com ITSELF responded on social media… saying QUOTE “At this time we have reached out to Hans Niemann to explain our decision to privately remove him from Chess.com and our events. We have shared detailed evidence with him concerning our decision… including information that CONTRADICTS his statements… regarding the amount, and seriousness… of his cheating on Chess.com.”
A twice caught cheater… coached by a twice caught cheater… who claims that those two instances were the only example… was now being told BY THE ORGANIZATION that banned him… (for a THIRD time in the aftermath of these events)… that the extent of his cheating was far greater than what he had claimed… and far more serious. The evidence was beginning to stack higher… and higher.
Speculation continued to mount… and many in the chess community turned to his postgame interviews. Directly after beating Magnus Carlson in a now world famous upset during the sinquefield cup… Hans Niemann had said not once… not twice… but FOUR TIMES… that “by some miracle”... he had looked up the precise moveset Magnus Carlson opened with… and studied it the night before.
This was interpreted in a thousand different ways… but once a narrative has gained momentum… its very difficult to shake. Grandmaster Hikaru Nakamura (who has well over a million social media followers on various platforms, keep in mind)... began commenting more, and more. During this post game interview, discussing the miracle of how he had studied this particular moveset the night before… Hans Niemann stated that Magnus carleson had used that move set before… against a particular opponent… in London during 2018.
Grandmaster Hikaru… publicly claimed that this was impossible. The opponent Niemann had cited… wasn’t even IN London during 2018… and using chessbase… the composition that Niemann had cited as his reason to practice a response the night before… didn’t show up. Hikaru stated “Magnus has NEVER played the G3 Nimzo”... and once again… any defense by Hans Niemann was disarmed at every turn.
One final (and very substancial) development came about in late September… a few weeks after the initial controversy. Published by a creator named Yosha… a video began to viral (Viral in this particular community, at least) where Hans Niemanns various different games… had been compared to engine performance.
The video does not claim to be PROOF of cheating… but in the description states QUOTE “a new set of extremely compromising evidence against Hans Niemann.”... Thats very interesting… but what does it contain. The video is a statistical analysis of “engine correlation”... created by a user named “Gambit Man”... and through this engine correlation tool… it is shown that Hans Niemann… had (on many separate occasions)... a 100% correlation to what the engine would suggest… which was higher than any other player in the history of chess. Sustained periods of engine correlation surpassing even Bobby fischer… at the height of his prime. Numerous tournaments with games that seemed to be PURELY dictated (or correlating to) engine decisions… and this video presented a wide range of statistical evaluations… painting a VERY damning picture.
Whats more… Grandmaster Hikaru… REACTED to this video… catapulting it to more and more people… with clips of this reaction gaining hundreds of thousands of views… and an ultimate effect where this analysis became assumptive proof for a vast portion of the chess community… that Hans Niemann… was guilty… and with that… the coffin appeared to be sealed.
Publications that wanted to paint Hans Niemann as a cheater… had any and every ability to do so. Inversely… Critics of Magnus, intent upon denying the situation… could point at a lack of definitive proof to entrench themselves… but the battle lines were drawn… deep in the sand of a now worldwide chess scandal. HOWEVER. That’s not how I operate… and having told ONE side of this story so far… let’s tell another.
The case against Hans Niemann… revolves around 3 core principles. ONE: He has cheated before, multiple times… and chess.com has refuted his claims that it was isolated, and insignificant. TWO: His explanation for why he used a particular move set was wrong… and could not possibly be true because Magnus has never played “the G3 Nimzo” (as its called)... and THREE: Hans Niemann has an engine correlation that is so far above any other player… with 100% games on many separate occasions… it is nearly impossible that anyone could have ever played that well… for such an extended period of time.
These three pillars hold up the entire case… but what if they were wrong. Hans Niemann is not a likable person. His attitude is horrible… he shows blatant disrespect to opponents… arrogance in his interviews… and smug reactions… but what if he actually COULD form a defense. No seems to be doing it… no one with a platform seems to be pushing for equal coverage… so right now, in response to what is arguably one of the biggest controversies in chess… ever… I want to round out this video with EVERYTHING I found… not just a slanted narrative that would get me the most clicks.
Pillar number one… stands tall as unassailable. Hans Niemann admitted to it… chess.com said it was even more severe… this pillar is immovable… and steadfast. Judge him how you will… it is the strongest part of a critics argument… and I want to be clear that the reality of his cheating is unflinching… however… pillars two… and three… well… let’s take a look.
Catapulted to mainstream opinion by Hikaru Nakamura… (claiming that Magnus has “NEVER” played the G3 nimzo…) it turns out that he actually has. It wasn't in 2018… and it wasn't against the opponent that Hans said… but Magnus Carlson DID play a G3 Nimzo… by transposition. It occurred in 2019… and when we realize that the mainstream narrative right now is that he invented an explanation for his moves based on a pattern Magnus had never played… it becomes a bit less convincing if the reality transforms into “He miss-remembered where and WHEN Magnus had played it… but he HAS played it)
Still… pillar two remains as an object that viewers may latch onto… so lets move on to pillar 3. Hans Niemann has an engine correlation so high… it cannot be real. This one is fascinating because to delve into it… we need to know HOW the engine correlation is calculated by chessbase. Having checked for myself… through all of the games in the statistical analysis video by Yosha (someone made an excellent tool to do that as well making it significantly easier)... it DOES appear that Hans Niemann has multiple instances of 100% correlation… but… why?
In order to calculate engine correlation… chessbase draws from MANY separate engines. The idea, is that if even ONE of those engines prefers a given move as the 100% best option… that would be perfect correlation… but this means that if you have… say… 4 engines instead of one in the reference pool… it is far more likely that a game can be “100% correlated”.
In simple terms… if just ONE engine has 100% correlation after 45 moves… that would be totally absurd, and indicate that there is almost certainly someone feeding moves to the player directly from that engine. This is something partially echoed by the now viral reaction by Hikaru Nakamura… where a 45 move game by Hans… has 100% correlation… and his reaction is one of total disbelief. HOWEVER… if one HUNDRED engines are being used… each with their own idea of what the perfect move is, making different decisions on different computers… (because chessbase engine correlation is an open source project)... the likelihood that a players move receives a 100% correlation… is 100 times higher.
It appears to be (highlighted by a reddit post from user “gistya”)... that “gambit man”... (the one responsible for composing this data, and giving it to Youtuber “Yosha”...) is a contributing member for the “analysis data” on chessbase… whose contributions… and parameters… are SOLELY responsible… for multiple of these 100% correlation games. Effectively… expanding what engines are used in the process… modifying how they react to data… and any change that he, or the community chooses to make… can completely redefine the output… making it so that there is just 1… or DOZENS of “perfectly correlated games.”
In fact… without even just ONE move, determined by ONE engine… multiple of the games by Hans Niemann would have dropped to just 86% correlation… in line with high level examples from innumerable other chess masters. Whats more… the now viral video on youtube… (the reaction to this engine correlation “evidence” by hikaru nakamura)... cuts off in the middle of his subsequent evaluation. Why?
It turns out… just a few minutes later… the game that Hikaru Nakamura selected for testing… had 100% correlation for his moves… to the engine. This example didnt make it into the video… it didn’t make it NEARLY as far as the shocked commentary on how unlikely it is that Hans Niemann would have such correlation… but it further builds skepticism that all might not be as it seems.
Of course… Youtuber “Yosha” has refuted this claim… and stated that she still believes Hans Niemann to have a higher correlation (by far) than any other chess player… maintaining her skepticism and stance… but if our goal is to be thorough… we need to be aware of these opposing stances.
As the controversy continued to explode… professor Ken Regan (a world renowned expert in the field) says he analyzed all of Hans Niemann's games… online, and offline over the past two years… categorically stating that no cheating has occurred. In a public interview he discussed his method, without revealing anything definitive… but his expertise in the field is widely known.
This public stance, and statement… contributes to a COMPLETELY Divided landscape. Some believe that Magnus Carlson would only make such statements and decisions with certainty, others belief he is just a sore loser. Some grandmasters and media publications believe that Hans Niemann is a cheat… and others think that he is the scapegoat of a bitter world champion.
One player came out (grandmaster Fabiano Caruana)... stating that he knows “for a fact” that renowned professor Ken Regans method is flawed… because he had once cleared a player… whom he KNEW to be guilty… and all of this combined paints a devastating picture for the chess community at large… as it becomes more and more divided by the day.
As per my initial disclaimer… nothing I presented is proof. We do not HAVE proof at this time… but one thing remains clear. Community sentiment is largely against Hans Niemann. The viral content you find discussing the topic? Highly critical of him and slanted towards guilt. The more balanced perspectives are far less common… and while there are some players and experts defending him… the narrative appears to be largely established.
In terms of my own opinion… I do believe that he has cheated FAR more often than he admits. He likely has a substantial unknown history of unethical conduct in my eyes… but I find myself gravitating towards a mindset that he did NOT in fact cheat during this particular tournament. I would never place a BET on that outcome… I would never stake more than some idle words on this being correct… but my gut says that with a history of cheating far more explosive than what we know… Hans Niemann has cultivated a subtle reputation in the community.
That reputation is possibly what caused Magnus Carlson to have such a severe reaction… and if I were forced to make a complete guess… Hans Niemann beat magnus carleson in a legitimate fluke… after studying frantically the night before… which ultimately paid off. Regardless… right or wrong… thats just my opinion. Hans Niemann is now seemingly a chess community villain… there is a widening gap between critics and defenders that deepens by the day… and it remains to be seen where it will all go… but I thought it would be interesting to cover an explosive controversy… in one of the largest communities on earth.
Thats it. If you want to support… links down below… a lot of them… like patreon, locals… another youtuber to check out… etc etc… but ill cut it there and stop rambling. As always… thank you all for watching… and have a nice night.